Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Bako National Park

Bako National Park, originally uploaded by fangie2000.

Fabulous view of Gunung Satubong against the sea from the viewpoint of Limtang trail at Bako National Park. It's absolutely rewarding after a long and tiring hike to be here.

Wildlife watching

Kuching, originally uploaded by fangie2000.

One of the highlights of Sarawak is its jungle, and the National Parks around Kuching didn't disappoint us in terms of wildlife, whether it is the semi-wild orang utans in Semenggoh Orang Utan Sanctuary (the orang utans here roam freely in the jungle to look for their own food, but if they are free to come and go in the sanctuary at fixed times for food) or the proboscis monkeys in Bako, or even the tiny leeches, ants, creepy crawlies, snails, butterflies or snakes...along the jungle trails.

Journey of a leech

Imagine a jungle floor full of leeches? Imagine having to stop every five minutes for "leech check"? That's what happened during a jungle trek at Kubah National Park in Sarawak, the day after a heavy rainstorm. It's a yucky experience not to be forgotten. Watch how a leech moves, it's amazing. This leech was caught and removed from my hiking shoes. Phew...thankfully, it didn't manage to make its way to my blood.