Friday, November 07, 2008

Milo cupcakes, Nutella cupcakes and double punch dark chocolaty cupcakes

My sis-in-law I.S. passed me her super easy cupcake recipes recently. So easy that her little girl is able to help her with stirring the mixture.

Now, being Milo addict, and Remi being an ardent fan of Nutella, I've decided to make chocolaty variations of the cupcakes, and all 3 versions turn out fabulously.

Now, her recipe is useful for those who do not have a kitchen scale.

As I'm used to weighing my ingredients on a kitchen scale rather than a measuring jug, I've possibly messed up the proportion of flour, sugar to butter by not converting millimeters to grams. But it still works!

Cupcake basic mixture
Makes 6 cupcakes

100g melted butter
100ml flour (I conveniently use 100g)
125ml sugar (I also conveniently use 125g, also used half white and half portion brown sugar as I ran out of white ones)
2 eggs

Melt butter and allow to cool.

Mix all ingredients well together in a big bowl using spatula.

Put the mixture/ batter into the paper cups for cupcakes. Enough for about 6 average sized cupcakes.

Bake at 200deg cel for about 15-20min. That's it!

Sprinkle icing sugar on top of baked cupcakes or serve warm with ice cream just to get that extra sugar boost! =)

Milo flavour: Stir 1 big spoon of milo into 1/3 of the cake mixture.
Nutella flavour: Take 2 teaspoons of nutella, and twirl them into 1/3 of the cake mixture
Double punch dark chocolate flavour: Stir a big spoon of cocoa powder into 1/3 of the cake mixture. Break 2 squares of 70% dark chocolate and stuff into the middle of each cupcake. The resulting taste is bitter dark chocolate flavour, which is what I like. So if you prefer sweeter chocolate taste, reduce the amount of cocoa powder and use milk chocolate instead.

And a sprinkle of almond flakes always works extra wonders!


sunwhy said...

Hi I've always wanted to bake but every recipe seemed daunting...until I saw your Milo cupakes :)

Cos its my first time may I clarify...flour means plain flour/all purpose flour? and I should pour the mixture into the cupcake case until 1/3 full?

Pls advise. Thanks!

p/s: I'm a friend of Lifang ;)

Anonymous said...


I think this recipe is very flexible. I used plain flour and added half teaspoon of baking powder so that it will be more fluffy. But just plain flour alone, or an all purpose flour should work fine.

And you can pour until the cupcake case is 1/2 full. To check that it is cooked, put a skewer through and it should come out clean. If it's not cooked, continue backing for 5-10 more minutes.


sunwhy said...

Thanks so much~* It was successful!! Gain much confidence heh...I intend to put jam and frozen berries in next time ;D

