Monday, November 03, 2008

Ice Lemon Cubes

I just learned today that 1 lemon is roughly equivalent to 50ml, which is about the volume of five ice cubes. And the zest of one lemon is equivalent to 1 teaspoon.

It's a lemony day today, as I exhausted my morning squeezing juice out of some 15 lemons.

You see, our friends B&Z are leaving Welly, meaning our free supply of organic, pesticide-free lemons is coming to an end. So we decided to pluck lemons from their bountiful tree one last time, and greedy we are, having gotten ourselves over maybe 30 lemons? There's just one big bag full that we didn't bother counting this time.

How to make full use of these lemons?

We reckon fresh lemons can last about 2 weeks in the fridge, but we're definitely not going to consume 30 lemons within 2 weeks.

So the idea is to squeeze lemon juice and freeze them in the ice tray, and when we need the juice, we just pop the lemon cubes into say, our ice tea...and taaaaddddaaarrr...refreshing ice lemon tea!

Maybe I should start a series of lemony recipes.

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