Sunday, June 18, 2006

Flower power

I love flowers.
And I love taking photos of flowers. Here's some of the nicer ones I've taken on my trips so far. Hopefully, I'll be able to build up a bigger and better collection in time to come.

I was lucky to catch the iries in full bloom while in Tokyo. Other than cherry blossoms, Japanese seems to be obsessed with iries and have gardens totally dedicated to it. So imagine when the iries are in full bloom, Japanese just flock there to enjoy the sea of white and purple flowers pretty before their eyes.

This was taken at the iries garden next to Meiji Shrine.

This was taken at the Imperial Garden East.

Lotus is one of my favourite flowers. This one on the left is taken in Nara, shy and alone in a small pot in a temple.

And you can imagine that I almost went crazy with my camera when I saw 2 lotus ponds right in front of Angkor Wat.

In Zhuozheng Yuan in Suzhou, with no lotus in bloom, I've to content myself with just pictures of its leaves. Hopefully, next time, I'll be luckier.

Closer to home, you can find a lotus pond in Sungei Buloh.

This pretty one is found in the farmart in Kranji. day, I'll like to have a small lotus pond in my garden if I were ever to own a landed property.

Enough of lotuses for now till I have new photos of them. After looking at these flower pictures, I'm actually craving for lotus rice and lotus desserts.

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